Cosmic Database


 • Elements
 • Compounds
 • Materials
 • Industry
 • Infrastructure
 • Power
 • Power requirements
 • Life
 • Automation
 • Production chains
 • System types
 • Dangers
 • Addons
 • Farming
 • Fleet management
 • Guide

We hope you find what you're looking for ☺


Li [  |12] - Lithrogen
Ca [11|12] - Calgygen
Po [ 8| 4] - Potanium
Ra [ 2|12] - Ranium
Ch [ 9| 4] - Chronc
Co [ 3|13] - Cobron
Ir [ 4|13] - Ird
Np [ 5| 8] - Nipper
Sb [ 7| 7] - Subalt
Go [10| 3] - Gomium
Ni [16|15] - Nitygen
Si [ 5|15] - Silitz
Ss [ 6| 8] - Susnic
Le [ 1|10] - Letin
Ox [  |16] - Oxorine
Pl [  |13] - Plasnon
Pu [  | 0] - Pollution

Symbol [Hardness|Abundance]


Si²Ir [ 2|  ] - Silird
CaCo² [ 5|  ] - Calron

Symbol [Hardness|Abundance]


Rock - A mixture of compressed ird, chronc and silitz
Soil - A cobron rich, susnic and silitz substrate
Ice - Mostly frozen lithrogen and elemental dust
Organics - Cobron rich lifeforms of varying complexity
Fireworks - A mixture of gomium and plasnon
Gemstones - Condensed silitz and subalt crystals


Raw minerals can be extracted with mines ¥
Raw liquids and gases can be extracted with extractors ±

Raw resources can be processed in refineries A
Processed resources can be turned into products in factories ∩
Resources and products will be deposited in yards for use by other industry or stockpiled until collection ▒

Collecting a resource from a yard will collect all resources of that type from adjoining yards ▲


All facilities require power to operate
≡     ¥ ± A ∩ ♦ ∩ ß 8 ◘ ì ⌂   Ω

Certain structures need to be connected to occupied dwellings with road to operate
⌂     ¥ ± A ∩ ∩ ß 8

Walls, dwellings, gardens and yards do not require connections to any supplies


Power is produced by sunlight absorbers, heat pumps and explosion chambers Z
Power is transmitted along conduits │

Sunlight absorbers require sunlight and must not be adjacent to trees or pollution ≡

Explosion chambers require adjacent cooling from adjacent ice, lithrogen or lithrogen canisters Ω

Heat pumps require a nearby heat source Σ

Power requirements

The following structures require power from a conduit
 • Mine ¥
 • Extractor ±
 • Refinery A
 • Factory ∩
 • Incinerator ◘
 • Resonating crystal ♦
 • Biosphere ∩
 • Hotel ß
 • Picker ì
 • Lab* 8
 • Nursery ⌂


The cosmos is full of life so have fun with that ☺
The following structures require access to an occupied dwelling via a road
 • Mine ¥
 • Extractor ±
 • Refinery A
 • Factory ∩
 • Biosphere ∩
 • Hotel ß
 • Lab* 8

* Labs also require a supply of subalt bars to function


Resources will be deposited into any yard adjacent to an industry ▒

Resources will be collected for use by an industry from yards at a distance of up to 2 tiles away ▒

Resources can be cherry-picked from yards with pickers
Resources in range of the picker will be placed into a yard directly adjacent to the picker ì

Production chains

    Ox → ± → Oxorine canister
    Pl → ± → Planson canister
    Pu → ± → Pollution canister
    Li → ± → Lithrogen canister → ∩ → Juice
    Ni → ± → Nitygen canister --→ ∩ → Fuel
¥ → Ca → A → Condensed calcygen → ∩ → Fluff
¥ → Po → A → Potanium lattice --→ ∩ → Hard plating
¥ → Ra → A → Powdered ranium ---→ ∩ → Enriched ranium
¥ → Ch → A → Chronc bar --------→ ∩ → Support
¥ → Co → A → Refined cobron ----→ ∩ → Crayons
¥ → Ir → A → Ird bar -----------→ ∩ → Plating
¥ → Np → A → Nipper bar --------→ ∩ → Conductor
¥ → Sb → A → Subalt bar --------→ ∩ → Sunlight cup
¥ → Go → A → Gomium bar --------→ ∩ → Valuables
¥ → Si → A → Silitz pellets ----→ ∩ → Glass
¥ → Ss → A → Refined susnic ----→ ∩ → Poison
¥ → Le → A → Letin bar ---------→ ∩ → Soft plating
Si+Ir -→ A/n → Silird ----------→ ∩ → Stiff fibres
Ca+Co -→ A/n → Calron ----------→ ∩ → Hard plating
Plasnon Canister+Go → n → Firework
CaCo²+Crayons+Oracot → ⌂ → Worker

Systems types

☼ - Red giant
    Blue giant
    Red main sequence
    Blue main sequence
    Yellow main sequence
    White dwarf
    Red dwarf
    Brown dwarf

∞ - Binary system

§ - Nebula

Φ - Pulsar
    Neutron star

• - Black hole
    Black dwarf

Θ - Worm hole


Watch out for pirates! - They like to steal crayons!

There is also the chance that a planet or moon turns out to be inhabited by tytopops which will eat through various types of infrastructure. The only solution to this problem is to simply wall off your facilities from their hives if encountered.

Destroying the home of an alien lifeform, however different from us, is strongly condemned by all governing bodies.


Exterior manipulator - Allows for collection of flotsam and jetsam
Integrity field emitter - Allows for traversal through worm holes
Pink thruster trails - Emit beautiful pink trails
Mint thruster trails - Emit minty fresh trails
Cyan thruster trails - Emit vibrant cyan trails
Zoom drive - Allows faster traversal between systems
Radiation compensator - Enhances communication signals
Fuel pump - Doubles the rate of fuel-petroop conversion
Zipp engine - Allows faster traversal between entities
* Addons must be fitted at a ship factory

Crew functions

Different crew roles can perform various tasks:
 • Commanders can pilot ships around the cosmos, within systems and on entities
 • Lieutenant Commanders can pilot ships within systems, on entities and they can perform all bridge operations
 • Lieutenants can only pilot ships on entities and perform limited bridge operations
 • Crewmen and Ensigns can only perform basic bridge operations
 • Engineers can facilitate construction and upgrade operations inside and outside ships


Oracot, dreng, bubble and puff plants can be farmed using pickers ì
Unset pickers will automatically harvest plants in range into yards

Oracot, dreng and puff plants require adjacent lithrogen to grow
Plants will die if poisoned or polluted

Tytopops & pigeli can be harvested with extractors ±

Fleet management

Other ships can be recruited to form part of your supply lines. ▲

Local ships and those already in your fleet can be found on the bridge.

Ships can be commissioned at ship factories with a surplus Lt. Cmdr. or equivalent on board.


Your space faring civilisation should have provided you with enough materials and funds to start up a basic mining colony. You'll want to build this on a mineral you can sell to a nearby space station.

If you run out of chits you may need to use the mining laser on your ship to harvest minerals that you can sell for more funds.

Your mining colony will allow you to more easily extract a useful mineral that can be sold for a high price.

Once you have enough chits you should upgrade your colony with more infrastructure to support a refinery.
This will allow you to sell a processed material for more chits than the raw resource.

From this point you're free to expand or construct more colonies in different places with different purposes or embark on assignments from your homeworld.